The Fate of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
April Event - Utah's Secret Combinations
In Memoriam of Rush Limbaugh
1951 - 2021
Electoral College Protects Against Voter Fraud
granted to a President and Vice President. "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."
Each state is granted two Senators. The House of Representatives is allocated by a process known as "reapportionment" based on population changes as recorded each decade by the Census. A slate of Electors representing the number of Representatives and Senators of each state then vote based on the popular vote of that state. For example the state of Maryland has two Senators and eight Representatives which gives the state of Maryland a total of ten electoral votes. When the general population of the state of Maryland vote for the President of the United States the majority vote for that candidate is the person the Electors cast their vote for. The Electoral College protects against voter fraud on a national level. It is almost impossible on a national level to completely stop or abolish voter fraud. The Electoral College process keeps voter fraud in check. For example the largest cities within the nation tend to sway for a particular political party. Voter Fraud would increase and be practiced and encouraged within certain areas of the nation if the Electors of the Electoral College were forced to cast their vote for the candidate that won the national level popular vote. The Electoral College reduces the impact of voter fraud within the Nation. James Wilson (1742-1798), delegate from Pennsylvania and member of the Constitutional Convention concerning the Electoral process stated, "By it we avoid corruption; and we are little exposed to the lesser evils of party intrigue... The Constitution, with the same view, has directed, that the day on which the electors shall give their votes shall be the same throughout the United States... With this regulation, it will not be easy to corrupt the electors, and there will be little time or opportunities for tumult or intrigue." |
Properly Organized Governments
of discerning the propriety of laws to govern nations, what less can be expected from the Ruler and Upholder of the universe? Can we suppose that He has a kingdom without laws? Or do we believe that it is composed of an innumerable company of beings who are entirely beyond all law? Consequently have need of nothing to govern or regulate them? Would not such ideas be a reproach to our Great Parent, and at variance with His glorious intelligence? Would it not be asserting that man had found out a secret beyond Deity? That he had learned that it was good to have laws, while God after existing from eternity and having power to create man, had not found out that it was proper to have laws for His government? We admit that God is the great source and fountain from whence proceeds all good; that He is perfect intelligence, and that His wisdom is alone sufficient to govern and regulate the mighty creations and worlds which shine and blaze with such magnificence and splendor over our heads, as though touched with His finger and moved by His Almighty word. And if so, it is done and regulated by law; for without law all must certainly fall into chaos. If, then, we admit that God is the source of all wisdom and understanding, we must admit that by His direct inspiration He has taught man that law is necessary in order to govern and regulate His own immediate interest and welfare; for this reason, that law is beneficial to promote peace and happiness among man. And as before remarked, God is the source from whence proceeds all good; and if man is benefited by law, then certainly, law is good; and if law is good, then law, or the principle of it emanated from God; for God is the source of all good; consequently, then, he was the first Author of law, or the principle of it, to mankind."