1. Sons of Michael, he approaches!
Rise, the ancient father greet. Bow, ye thousands, low before him; Minister before his feet. Hail the patriarch’s glad reign, Spreading over sea and main. 2. Sons of Michael, ’tis his chariot Rolls its burning wheels along! Raise aloft your voices million In a torrent pow’r of song. Hail our head with music soft! Raise sweet melodies aloft! 3. Mother of our generations, Glorious by great Michael’s side, Take thy children’s adoration; Endless with thy seed abide. Lo! to greet thee now advance Thousands in the glorious dance! 4. Raise a chorus, sons of Michael, Like old ocean’s roaring swell, Till the mighty acclamation Thru rebounding space doth tell That the ancient one doth reign In his Father’s house again! Hymn #51
"Behold, I will come; and they shall see me in the clouds of heaven, clothed with power and great glory, with all the holy angels; and he that watches not for me shall be cut off." D&C 45:44 Oh, Latter-day Saints! Awake from slumber!
Angels are coming to cut your number. Crepe, from their holy hands, we have been told Will hang on the door of the luke-warm soul. From the House of the Lord, it has been said Will roll forth His judgments, tears will be shed. Teams and scrapers will bury future dead A vision-story - of judgments to dread. To the world which fantasizes man as having evolved from lower mammalian forms, the truth that we are the offspring of a race of gods is met with derision. Nevertheless, the revealed gospel declares us to be the literal offspring of a race of beings that inhabits the universes whom we call gods (Moses 6:8). This race of beings oversees the population and development of the universes.
In 1856, just prior to Charles Darwin writing of Origin of Species, Darwin stated, "What a book a Devil's Chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering low & horridly cruel works of nature!" Darwin embraced materialism as part of the social revolution of his day. The philosophy of materialism posits the idea, that there is nothing more to the human being than matter, that spirit is connected to religious believe and non-existent, that the body and it's brain are just made up of matter. Darwin viewed his work upon society simply as 'a murder.' Darwin came to the conclusion about his work "I am almost convinced (quite contrary to the opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable." A colleague of Darwin corrected him, "Not murder, but helpless manslaughter." Darwin's view of Christianity was against divine revelation. Concerning Christianity he stated that he could not 'see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true.' He felt that God and immortality are not justified.. Inward 'convictions' and 'feelings' concerning the divine are unreliable because the human mind had evolved. Darwin bemoaned that "half the fools throughout Europe write to ask me the stupidest questions." He then declared in a letter, "I am sorry to have to inform you that I do not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, & therefore not in Jesus Christ as the Son of God." As his biographers declare "Society would never be the same. The 'Devil's Chaplain' had done his work." The 'Devil's Chaplain' indeed! Quotes taken from Darwin The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist by Adrian Desmond and James Moore Taking the doctrine of man's origin as seen from this higher point of view, and comparing it with the low assumptive theories of uninspired men, ...how great the contrast appears! Look on this picture "-man, the offspring of an ape!:" and on this, "-man, the image of God, his Father!" How wide the contrast! And how different the feelings produced in the breast! In the one case, we instinctively shrink with dread at the bare insinuation; while on the other, the heart beats with higher and warmer and stronger emotions ...and is animated with a purer and nobler zeal in its onward and upward journey to that Divine Presence whence it originally came. George Q. Cannon The James Webb telescope is returning images showing solar systems within our Milky Way galaxy. These images show planets in orbit around their home star. Our very own solar system is a uniform complex example of the laws of physics that are applied throughout the known universe. The precision of the James Webb imaging is providing a look at that which God has Restored well over a century ago through his prophet Joseph Smith. The knowledge that, "worlds without number have I created" and that "there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them" (Moses 1:33-35). Below you will see some of the latest images that James Webb Space Telescope has returned of a solar system within our own galaxy. The images show a sun with planets in orbit around it. The Lord tells Nephi, "blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day" (1 Nephi 13:37). That "day" is this dispensation in which we live. We are under covenant with God to...read more here In the book of Daniel found within the Old Testament of the Bible, there's a prophecy concerning our day. The prophesy was given to an ancient king and interpreted by Daniel. Here are some thoughts on this prophecy. The king of ancient Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a "great image" which was made up of differing metals and clay. This great image, was a representation of the great empires that will arise through the history of the world beginning with the king of Babylon himself. Eventually, these empires morphed into the ten smaller nations represented by the "great images" ten toes. During the days when these smaller nations will exercise power in the world, another kingdom will roll forth like a stone cut from a mountain that will roll down and consume the remaining powers that existed. "Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure." Daniel 2:45 President Spencer W. Kimball taught, "Nebuchadnezzar represented the king of kings, a world power, representing the head of gold. Another kingdom would arise and take over world dominion. The interpretation included the domination of other kingdoms. Cyrus the great, with his Medes and Persians, would be replaced by the Greek or Macedonian kingdom under Philip and Alexander; and that world power would be replaced by the Roman Empire; and Rome would be replaced by a group of nations of Europe represented by the toes of the image. With the history of the world delineated in brief, now came the real revelation. Daniel said: “And in the days of these kings [that is, the group of European nations] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. This is a revelation concerning the history of the world, when one world power would supersede another until there would be numerous smaller kingdoms to share the control of the earth. And it was in the days of these kings that power would not be given to men, but the God of heaven would set up a kingdom—the kingdom of God upon the earth, which should never be destroyed nor left to other people. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored in 1830 after numerous revelations from the divine source; and this is the kingdom, set up by the God of heaven, that would never be destroyed nor superseded, and the stone cut out of the mountain without hands that would become a great mountain and would fill the whole earth. The Church was organized. Small it was, with only six members, compared to the stone cut out of the mountain without hands which would break in pieces other nations and which would roll forth and fill the whole earth. I know it is true. I know it is divine. I know it is the little stone that was cut out of a mountain without hands. I know it will fill the earth as prophesied and commanded by the Savior Jesus Christ when, in his last moments on earth, he said to his eleven apostles, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”—to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. (See Mark 16:15.)" We know that the kingdom of God, which is established among us, will continue to spread, increase, and extend, until it covers the earth; and we know that all the plotting, and machinations, and designs, and combinations of men and devils will not be able to stop it in its progress; but as it has begun to roll forth, it's speed will continue to accelerate until it has accomplished all for which it is designed of God, and until the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ, and He shall reign with universal empire over this earth, and to Him every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. John Taylor When we see the time that we can willingly strike hands and have full fellowship with those who despise the Kingdom of God, know ye then that the Priesthood of the Son of God is out of your possession. Let us be careful how we make friends with and fellowship unrighteousness, lest the curse of God descends heavily upon us. I do not say that I see anything of this kind, and I do not want to; and I hope there is no such disposition in any person professing to be a Saint, for as sure as the Lord lives they will be brought into circumstances that will show them in their true colors, and reveal the goats that are among the sheep. Brigham Young JD 10:273-274 Not only did the Apostle John teach that Man can become exactly like God (1 John 3:2-3), Paul taught that Men can be "fellow heirs with Christ," and "be glorified with Him," provided they "suffer with Him" (Rom. 8:17, Galatians 4:7). Christ taught that "he who overcomes...will...sit down with Me on my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne" (Revelation 3:21).
Law, within the United States, has moved steadily to enforce a totalitarian and equalitarian principle. The state is becoming the total institution, comprehending the life and property of man. The state can confiscate all things to insure its own existence, because the state has implicitly become the basic value. If the ultimate principle upon which governments depend is equality, then the law will be used to regulate the operation and the organization of the law to create equality. Equality, though, is a mathematical term. It is impossible to apply a mathematical abstraction to man. The concept of equality is closely related to the teachings of Karl Marx. The consequence is that the people are levelled, stripped of power, to create a state which is not equal to the people but far superior and able to crush them.
Michael the Archangel (Adam) holds the keys of the resurrection and no being who has not been resurrected possesses the Keys of the Power of Resurrection. That you have been told often. Adam therefore was resurrected... Our Father Adam is the man who stands at the gate and holds the Keys of Everlasting Life and Salvation to all His children who have or who ever will come upon the earth. Brigham Young The Wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven upon all Ungodly and Unrighteous men, who in their Wickedness Suppress the truth about God - Because the Reality of God's Being is set Perfectly Clear before the eyes of all - for God has made the Existence of His Being Self-Evident through His Creations. For ever since the Creation of the Physical World, the Presence of the Invisible Spiritual Creations of God and His Divine Nature have been Manifest unto men by those Beings which He has Brought Forth in the Flesh - for God's Spiritual Creations have Tabernacled and they do Indwell in the Flesh. Consequently Skeptics are left without excuse - for even as they behold the Flesh, they also see the Divine Nature of the Life Giving Spirit that Dwells within. Yet notwithstanding this, there are those who will not give Him thanks, or even Acknowledge His Existence. The thinking of these individuals tends to Futile Speculation - consequently their Stupid Minds are Plunged into Darkness. For while they Boast that they are Wise, in fact they Prove that they are Utter Fools - for even though they worship themselves in all the Glory of Their Own Image, yet in their minds they have Exchanged their Pedigree. For rather than believe that they Descended from the Glorified Immortal Father (Acts 17:28-29; Luke 3;38), they claim their descent from Apes, and Four footed Beasts and Reptiles.
For this reason God has Abandoned them to their own Vile Cravings, and their Filthy Thoughts make them do Shameful Things, by which they Defile their own bodies between themselves. For they have ExChanged the Truth about God for a Lie, and they give Reverence and Honor to that which was brought forth by God, and not to Him that brought it forth, and to Whom belongs all Glory and Praise Forevermore - so let it be! This is why God has Abandoned them to their own Vile Affections. Why, even their own Women have ExChanged the Natural Use for their sex for that which is Against Nature. In like manner Men behave in the same way, giving up Natural Relations with Women - and in their Burning Desire, they Run Wild with Lust after other Men, so that they perpetrate Shameful Acts with others of their own sex - and for this they are paid in their own persons, a Fitting Wage for their Perversion. Hence we see that inasmuch as they have Refused to Acknowledge God in their lives, that God has Abandoned them to their own Reprobate Minds and Immoral Behavior. Consequently they are Steeped in every kind of Unrighteousness: Whoredom, Injustice, Greed and Malice - full of Envy, Murder, Wrangling, Treachery, Hatred and Gossip. They are Backbiters, Hateful towards God, Rude to others, Proud Braggarts and Ingenious in Evil. They don't even Respect their own Parents. They are Devoid of Conscience and Break their Promises. They are without Natural Affection, and in their Dealings with Others they are without Mercy. They know well enough the Judgments of God: - yet not only do they do such things themselves, but they also applaud others for doing them. (Romans 1:18-32 - verse 23 has been specially adapted to the tradition and culture of the 21st century) In 789 A.D. Charlemagne in his Admonitio Generalis prohibited usury by all people, laymen as well as clerics, ....citing the following authorities: Scripture. In Charlemagne's Capitulary of Nijmegen of March 806 he defines usury in clause 11 as "claiming back more than you give; for instance, if someone has given 10 solidi and asks for more than 10 in return, that is usury. Clause 16 "lending (foenus) consists in providing something; the loan is fair and just when one demands no more than what he provided." Charlemagne imposed heavy fines for usury - the charging of interest on loans. The whole scriptures plainly teach us that we are the children of that God who framed the world. God has created man in His own image, upright. There never was a time such as many of our philosophers speak of, who drift back and back, and come to this theory and that theory, and go back, and back to the time when we were all reptiles. When was there a time when there was not a God? But, say they, there must have been a time. Then you declare to me, do you, that there was a time when there was no time. And this is the philosophy of a great many of the scientific in this day. They see the Heavens stretched out, but they comprehend them not. No human being has had power to organize his own existence. Then there is a greater than we. Are we our own in our bodies? Are we our own in our spirits? We are not our own. We belong to our progenitors - to our Father and our God. Let us look round and see whether we can find a father and son in this congregation. Do we see one an elephant, and the other a hen? No. Does a father that looks like a human being have a son like an ape, going on all fours? No; the son looks like his father. There is an endless variety of distinction in the few features that compose the human face, yet children have in their countenances and general expression of figure and temperament a greater or less likeness of their parents. You do not see brutes spring from human beings. Every species is true to its kind. The children of men are featured alike and walk erect. The Bible clearly teaches us that we are the children of the very Being who framed this Earth and peopled it. Such teachings may be found in hundreds of places in the scriptures, and yet we do not know anything about our Father! Is it not astonishing? Brigham Young In the late 1990s as web publishing tools open the door for non-technical users to post content, information, and participate in discussion threads, the interactive world of blogging was born. Prior to this period digital communities took multi-faceted forms including chat-rooms and electronic bulletin boards. As electronic tools have improved, it has allowed for the production of web articles, images, audio and video files to be systematically organized and posted in a webpage format that can be used by a much larger non-technical populace that are not trained in programming source code and algorithms. Continue reading here... "More than a million American women each year resort to illegitimate abortions. This is one of the most despicable of all sins - to destroy an unborn child to save one from embarrassment or to save one's face or comfort. An estimated 8,000 women die every year from such consequences." "President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., said: 'Our very civilization itself is based upon chastity, the sanctity of marriage, and the holiness of the home. Destroy these and Christian man becomes a brute." (CR, Oct, 1938, p. 137) "The earth cannot justify nor continue its life without marriage and the family. Sex without marriage, for all people, young or older, is an abomination to the Lord, and it is most unfortunate that many people have blinded their eyes to these great truths." "May we repeat: Sex perversions of men and women can never replenish the earth and are definitely sin without excuse, and rationalizations are very weak; God will not tolerate it." "We deplore the reported million unborn children who will lose their lives in this country this year. Certainly the women who yield to this ugly sin and the sin which often generated it, and those who assist them, should remember that retribution is sure. It is sure." "We marry for eternity. We are serious about this. We become parents and bring wanted children into the world and rear and train them to righteousness." "We are aghast at the reports of young people going to surgery to limit their families and the reputed number of parents who encourage this vasectomy. Remember that the coming of the Lord approaches, and some difficult-to-answer questions will be asked by a divine Judge who will be hard to satisfy with silly explanations and rationalizations. He will judge justly, you may be sure." "God bless you, our beloved people. Listen to the words of heaven. God is true. He is just. He is a righteous judge, but justice must come before sympathy and forgiveness and mercy. Remember, God is in his heavens. He knew what he was doing when he organized the earth. He knows what he is doing now. Those of us who break his commandments will regret and suffer in remorse and pain. God will not be mocked. Man has his free agency, it is sure, but remember, God will not be mocked (D&C 63:58)." Spencer W. Kimball Men will sin so that they will be damned spiritually and temporally. There will be a dissolution of the natural body and of the spirit, and they will go back into their native element, the same as the chemist can go to work and dissolve a five-dollar gold piece, and throw it into a liquid. Does not that show there can be a dissolution of the natural body and of the spirit? This is what is called the second death. Heber C. Kimball JD vol. 5 page 95 Immediately afterwards, the storm broke on his followers. They eventually were driven from their homes and were forced to flee to the wilderness of the West. They left behind them their temple, which was soon burned, their homes, and many of their most precious possessions. Among the precious possessions left behind were the mummies and the priceless papyrus scrolls of Abraham and Joseph, which were left in the custody of a trustee. Tragically, this trustee allowed these invaluable treasures of antiquity to get out of his hands and when an attempt was made to recover them it was found impossible. Unsympathetic members of Joseph Smith's family are believed to be the ones who sold the Egyptian relics to one or more museums. Two mummies and "part of the records" were traced by Dr. James R. Clark to the St. Louis Museum which is believed to have acquired them between 1851 and 1856. The two mummies are described in the St. Louis Museum Catalogue of 1859 as a "a female, about forty - the other, that of a boy, about fourteen." However, it seems that the entire contents of the St. Louis Museum were moved to Chicago in 1863 and the Egyptian exhibit became part of the Wood Museum in that city. The mummies are listed on page 42 of the 1863 catalogue of the Chicago Museum - usually referred to as the Wood Museum - with exactly the same description as that given for them in St. Louis. There is documented evidence that these two mummies were at the Wood Museum as late as 1869, and it has therefore been assumed that they were destroyed in 1871 when this museum was consumed in the Great Chicago Fire of that year. If they were not destroyed, no one has been able to locate them since. The major question therefore remains, what happened to the other two mummies and the rest of the papyrus records? Charles Haggerty, an associate researcher with Dr. James R. Clark and the Librarian of the public library at Danville, Illinois, wrote August 29, 1950: "I have traced the other two mummies and at least one or two bits of papyrus to the Philadelphia Museum. This was in the same building known as the Philadelphia Arcade in which Michael Chandler exhibited the mummies in 1834 or 35." Ever since this exciting news reached Brigham Young University the search has been intensified. Someone, somewhere, probably without even knowing the value of these antiquities, is in possession of these two mummies and what is undoubtedly the oldest scriptural record to be discovered thus far. The current attempt to locate this material is probably the most important single project in historical research being carried on today. The painful disappointment of not having the writings of Joseph to study today is ameliorated by the fact that we know he left a comprehensive record of his experiences in Egypt and also a scriptural history of all the patriarchs who had preceded him. Someday, in the wisdom of God, we shall have these writings again. W. Cleon Skousen - The Third Thousand Years pages 179-181 |